1.) Create An Extra Email Address: This is the most important tip! I can’t stress this enough. Open an extra email account that you can use just for receiving freebies. You can use sites such as gmail.comm Inbox.com, Yahoo.com or Hotmail.com and there are many others. Creating an alternate email account will help you from receiving any unwanted SPAM that is often associated with signing up for Freebies to your primary email account. It is extremely important that the email address is valid and you can long into it due to the fact that sometimes you are required to confirm through an email to complete registration.
2.) Please Be Patient! Most Freebie offers will have “Stat Comments” when you finish filling out the form such as, “Your free sample is on it’s way, and will arrive in approximately 4 to 8 weeks” Most of the time it’s closer to 12 weeks.. or even longer. Just be patient, because most Free Samples do take some time before they are packaged and shipped to you.
3.) Do not send me your name and mailing address. FreebiePanda is a directory of free samples that are currently available to the best of my knowledge. We do not give away or sell any of the listed items myself. We list companies that offer deals, giveaways and product samples. We have no control over what they do or don’t do. If you have an issue with a specific company that is listed on this site offering product samples we suggest you contact them.